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[136] Topology optimization for transient two-phase fluid systems with continuous behavior

작성자 관리자 날짜 2024-01-15 14:54:46 조회수 184

G. H. Yoon and M. K. Kim. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 225 (2023): 104017.



This study introduces a novel topology optimization method for transient two-phase fluid problem with continuous behavior, which remains a challenging task despite advances in computing capabilities. The application of gradient-based optimizer to continuous two-phase fluid systems is complicated because it requires some modifications of the governing equations to reflect changes in the interface between two fluids and the transient sensitivity analysis. To overcome these difficulties, this study develops a new topology optimization method for continuous two-phase fluid that models the interface using the level-set approach and formulates the transient sensitivity analysis. The study presents several optimization examples to demonstrate the validity and applicability of this approach.