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[139] An Efficient Code for the Multi-Material Topology Optimization of 2D/3D Continuum Structures Written in Matlab

작성자 관리자 날짜 2024-03-13 17:10:15 조회수 175

R. Zheng, B. Yi, X. Peng and G. H. Yoon. Applied Sciences 14.2 (2024): 657.



This paper presents an efficient and compact Matlab code for 2D and 3D topology optimization of multi-materials. We extend a classical 88-line-based educational code to the multi-material problem using the mapping-based interpolation function, with which each material is modeled equally and can obtain a clear 0, 1 result for each material of the optimized structures that can be manufactured easily. A solution of topology optimization of multi-materials with minimum compliance under volume constraints is documented, including the details of the optimization model, filtering, projection, and sensitivity analysis procedures. Several numerical examples are also conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the code, and the influence of the parameter on the optimized results is also analyzed. Complete 2D and 3D Matlab codes are provided.
