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[138] A MATLAB topology optimization code to control the trajectory of particle in fluid

작성자 관리자 날짜 2024-03-13 17:10:00 조회수 194

Y. H. Choi and G. H. Yoon. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 66, no. 4 (2023): 91.

This paper presents an educational code for topology optimization controlling the trajectory of particle in steady-state laminar fuid. To control the trajectory of particle, fuid motion is optimized by the fuid topology optimization. The one-way forward analysis between fuid and particle and the adjoint sensitivity analysis are formulated and implemented in the framework of MATLAB. The Navier–Stokes equation is solved by the fnite element method with Newton–Raphson iteration and Newton’s equation for the analysis of transient particle motion is solved by the Newmark scheme. In the present paper, the educational code is attached in the supplementary material. Throughout the code, the optimization problems considering particle trajectory can be solved. The code consists of the fnite element analysis of a fuid, transient analysis of a particle suspended in fuid, and computation of the adjoint sensitivity analysis. This code can be easily expanded for complex particle fuid problems. Several benchmark problems are presented that control the velocity and position of a particle and separate multiple particles suspended in a fuid.