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[104] A Study of Longitudinal Waveguide with Band Gap Using Cylindrical and Conical Shape Periodic Structure

작성자 관리자 날짜 2023-12-27 16:12:54 조회수 124

D. H. Oh and G. H. Yoon. Applied Sciences 11, no. 16 (2021): 7257.




This research presents the theoretical and experimental studies for cylindrical and conical periodic structures to control longitudinal wave motion. Many relevant researches exist to stop and pass a certain frequency wave without active devices with periodic structures called metamaterials. To modify or control longitudinal wave propagation, i.e., passing or blocking mechanical wave within specific frequency ranges, repeated mass-spring systems or metamaterials can be applied. By integrating a few identical structural components to form a whole structure, it is possible to make a mechanical filter for wave propagation. Most studies rely on straight bar with cylindrical structure. Thus, with a unit cell that have a cylindrical and conical structure, this research presents the extensions toward the studies of the wave motions for straight and curved bars with finite element simulations and experiment studies. The results show that the hybrid cylindrical and conical periodic structures can be effective in terms of wave motion control and stiffness.
