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[71] Topology optimization considering the fatigue constraint of variable amplitude load based on the equivalent static load approach

작성자 관리자 날짜 2023-12-26 14:32:59 조회수 99

S. H. Jeong, J. W. Lee, G. H. Yoon, and D. H. Choi. Applied Mathematical Modelling 56 (2018): 626-647.



In this research, a new layout optimization method is developed to consider high cycle fatigue constraints which occur due to variable amplitude mechanical loading. Although fatigue is a very important property in terms of safety when designing mechanical components, it has rarely been considered in topology optimization with the lack of concept and the difficulty of sensitivity analysis for fatigue constraints calculated from multiaxial cycle counting. For the topology optimization for fatigue constraint, we use transient stress analysis to extract effective stress cycles and Miner’s cumulative damage rule to calculate total damage at every spatial element. Because the calculation of the exact sensitivities of a transient system is complex and time consuming for the topology optimization application, this research proposes to use the pseudo-sensitivities of fatigue constraints calculated by applying equivalent static load approach. In addition, as an aggregated fatigue constraint is very sensitive to the changes in stress value which causes some unstable convergences in optimization process, a new scaling approach of the aggregated fatigue damage constraint is developed. To validate the usefulness of the developed approaches, we solved some benchmark topology optimization problems and found that the present method provides physically appropriate layouts with stable optimization convergence.
